Kursk malt

Pilsner malt (1 kg)
If you are suspicious of so-called elite of the purchase habits and a supporter of natural product of their own cooking, you will need as an essential component of Malt. High-quality barley malt to buy, you can in our store. By choosing this product ..
100 ₽
Vienna malt (1 kg)
Used to enhance color and aroma of light beers. Increases body flavor and gives the beer a golden hue. Characteristic delicate taste with toffee and caramel aroma.Vienna malt is roasted at a slightly higher temperature than Light malt. This results i..
100 ₽
Wheat malt (1 kg)
Beer, brew, grain vodka, whiskey can be easily made at home. You will need the appropriate equipment and excellent wheat malt intended for vodka and other alcoholic products. Incomparable bread, protein, rich flavor makes the beer a pleasant and mild..
100 ₽
Kursk malt

The Kurskiy malt house has a roasting shop with a capacity of 6,000 tons per year and produces 17 varieties of base and special malts with a color ranging from 20 to 1400 EBC. Since the opening of the malt house, malt has been supplied to 18 countries on 4 continents. The quality of the products is confirmed by the international product quality marks ISO, EAC, LGC, VLB Berlin. The supply of raw materials is carried out by river, sea, rail, road transport from our own elevator complexes with a capacity of up to 100,000 tons, river ports and our own warehouses in 9 cities of Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok. The clients of the company are the largest breweries in Russia and the CIS.